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Welcome to the Virtual Angina Clinic
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Choose your Angina Type
Standard Angina
ANOCA Angina Patients
Choose your Angina Type
Standard Angina
ANOCA Angina Patients
Aims: Workshop 4
To increase your understanding of the pain pathway.
To show you how the pain pathway can be altered.
To help you understand treatment strategies
Aims: Workshop 3
To examine the role played by mood in angina
To explain the importance of setting goals and learning to pace oneself
To explain the role of exercise in improving your angina
Aims: Workshop 2
To explain how the body deals with stress and anxiety
To examine how our moods and thoughts can influence angina
To learn some relaxation exercises
Aims: Workshop 1
To give you a clear understanding of what angina is and what it is not
To explain the difference between stable and unstable angina
To explain how to use your GTN spray more effectively
To help you rebuild your confidence
Choose your Angina Type
Standard Angina
ANOCA Angina Patients